Monday, February 9, 2009

Rumour has it...

Dear all who read this blog and know that my mission is to commit acts of poetry (sometimes maudlin), lo and behold my latest creation. Starship, you can take me back now as I have accomplished my mission.


I don’t know where I went

in that blue night,

I walked an uneasy road

and found some scattered seeds,

I gathered up and took to bed.

They grew wild

in my sleep,

spread rumours of flowers

in the morning breeze.


shenanigans said...

I like. Please share more.

Reportergirl said...

Thank you!

eugene t. said...

damn flowers always spreading flower rumors. can't truss dem!

Reportergirl said...

Very funny Euge. Glad you stopped by.

Anonymous said...

What an incredibly gifted writer you are. Thank you.

Anoopa Anand said...

Spread rumours of flowers. I love, I love. You're a star kaney ma. Hug.
P.S.- My word verification thing to leave a comment is 'lingslyc'. I realise it's also a lousy pre-pubescent way to describe your writing. Tee hee.

Reportergirl said...

Thanks Anoopa..coming from as wonderful a poet as you, this is high praise indeed!

Ludwig said...

rather nice. it's a difficult and brave thing you seek to do, this committing of acts of poesy. bash on, bash on.

kalyani said...

Loverly!!!! I had no idea you had this in I know.

Reportergirl said...

Wow. I'm getting a swollen head from all you kind people. And yes Ms K, I was just too shy to share it earlier but have become more daring in middle age!