Oh look, it's Monday again. Eugene's guest post will be here soon. It is meant to inaugurate the opening up of this space to guest bloggers. New week, new voices. Oh and about last week-- well, it rushed past me in customary, tubular speed. I'm not going to attempt to describe it in detail. But here are salient features of time just elapsed:
Highlight of the week: Met former boss lady from the daily newspaper that I worked at. She left over a year ago for the US. This meant a most wonderful reunion with her and other friends from the days when I was a real reportergirl. Anyway, over drinks and dinner, the couple at the table behind us were notable for the frequency at which they leaned across the table to lock eyes and mouths in passionate kisses. The cynical journalists among us prompted bets -"It's the first month of togetherness." And one of us was so audacious as to go up to them and proceed to flatter them about how very sweet they were and then get the required information. They took it in good spirit (bless them) and yes, the cynical journalists won. It was the first month. In fact, the man, who at one point was licking chocolate off the lady's fingers, added another dimension to the proceedings when he told my friend. "Her husband doesn't know she's here."
World Science Festival: Monday is here but I wish I was at the World Science Festival in New York. I would have liked to hear Edward O. Wilson to talk about sociobiology and hear about the evolutionary explanations of morality. There is much controversy about this whole issue and I would like to understand it all better.
My fledgling music career: About three months ago, or maybe four, I started singing with a local band who are absolutely wonderful. Name and myspace details will be forthcoming soon. Last Wednesday, we pretty much sealed up a song I've written-that we've been playing around with for a while. We're going to record some of these new songs this week and I'm very excited about that!
The Life of Your Mind: This is a link to a very good essay in n+1 which actually inspired last Monday's column. I failed to credit it so this is a way of making reparations. Some of the blogging conventions are irritating though, no? A link-heavy blog post is quite idiotic in some ways. I feel as if I'm saying, "Oh I think its a really good idea for you to start reading a whole different article right in the middle of what I'm saying."
I'm hyperlinked and hypertexted and hypertired so I had best shut up for now.
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