Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Delicious Lines

This just in. Three delicious lines from the poetry section of, what else, the New Yorker. What can I say ? I'm a creature of habit. Franz Wright calls this The World of the Senses. Here are the lines that grabbed me and set my neurons on a happy spin. Click link for the whole poem, don't be lazy. You need to work for poetry. Such lucky things we are, really, to have all these luxuries unfold at the click of a mouse.

"What a day: I had some trouble
following the plotline; however,
the special effects were incredible"


shenanigans said...

thank yu for that.
i couldn't agree more, especially while being on flu meds.

Reportergirl said...

You're welcome. I was hoping to jog a slightly more romantic association with these lines but I'll accept flu meds for now. And you're not allowed to shorten you to yu. Okay? I'm very sensitive like that.

shenanigans said...

apologies. i'd like to blame the said flu meds for that. :-)