I woke to fresh lizard kill this morning. A tail-less corpse, upturned on the floor. The two layabouts pictured here no doubt assume that this is a great offering to be appreciated by their leader. There is much solemn skirting about said kill while I clean it up. Still, I am glad they accord me such respect. As we all know, hierarchy and power dynamics, especially in a tribe of three, are very important. So I have given them their reward: scratch under chin and soft white bellies. They've forgotten they have claws which is good. I also forget that I have claws. My personality hypothesis today is that my claws are way too retractable and that I need to sharpen them a little bit. Maybe I need to relearn some hissing too, while I'm at it, I mean if I even knew how to hiss in the first place. What am I on about? I am poor this morning and radioactive. Half-life = 32 years. But that's going up to magic number 33 soon. Oh how lovely are the peaceful notes of middle-age where angst is dulled and one thinks of soft rugs and plush carpets. I think I had better shut up now.
i read three posts every three days.
if oxytocin is the result of stress in women, could it be that women will seek to be stressed because that is what holds them to their loves/family/etc? i'm reading the death of mr y and i'm in the mood for weirdly theory... after eve is cast out because she has eaten of the tree etc etc... god says she will be cursed, will give birth in pain... secrete oxytocin when stressed... it has to be counter evolutionary... at least to my mind...
mingus and maya. what complete hard cases they are. but you should be so pleased... one of our cats needs an enema every three days. gynelle and the others who have to do it must have been very bad in their last lives...
okay... what i meant to say before getting distracted is that man...i really enjoy your writing... it kinda meanders into poetry and back very easily... i'd be hard put to tell you where, but i sense it.
33 huh. its a nice age. i be 34 come the end of may. :-(
My word, you have a not so weirdly theory at all..maybe us women do seek to be stressed in these areas, in a good way.
But there's some study that shows post-menopausal women as a group are most likely to inititate divorce. I think all the bonding hormone levels ease off then so they're less likely to feel positive after the same old row with the same old fool. Thank you for reading!
What an incredible writer you are. You leave me quite slack-jawed with wonder. Thank you.
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